Thursday, November 22, 2012

The Body Shop Face Mist

Kalau kadang-kadang cuaca panas dan wajah kita butuh kelembapan, what should we do dear? Minum air? Segar... tapi wajah tetap dry out... Have you tried face mist already? I've tried it!

Let me introduce you The Body Shop face mist. I'll do a review for two face mist products. Vitamin E Face Mist and Vitamin C Energizing Face Spritz! I've been using these for a long time dear and I love the final result on my face.

Vitamin E Face Mist & Vitamin C Energizing Face Spritz

Vitamin E Face Mist

Saya suka Vitamin E Face Mist. Wajah saya langsung segar dan lembab seketika setelah menyemprotnya tanpa membuat wajah terlihat berminyak. Biasanya saya pakai di muka ketika saya tidak punya waktu untuk memakai pelembab atau ketika saya merasa wajah sangat kering.

Vitamin C Energizing Face Spritz
I use it when I have dull-looking skin, it gives me instant hydration. Jadi ketika wajah kita terlihat lelah atau kusam face mist ini sangat menolong dear. Biasanya saya pakai siang-siang, kita bisa spray dalam kondisi no make up atau on make up. Bisa juga untuk setting make up supaya lebih tahan lama dan looking instantly bright.

Just spray and spray! :)
 It's so easy to use it. Keep your face ten until twenty centimeters far away from the mist, close your eyes and spray! :p

Try different angle and spray again!

Spray it again with different angle! Saya biasanya spray dua sampai tiga kali, kanan-kiri-depan :p.

with flash, on simple make up and Vitamin C Energizing Face Spritz

no flash, after three hours still looking good :p

my make up is still there guys :p

Have you tried another face mist? Share it with me...

God Bless


  1. looks so nice dear!

    please join my 1st giveaway:

  2. Hi Rhea, Thank you for stopping by,
    I will catch up the link soon...
    Hope I win some.. :0
    God Bless

  3. I'd like to try it!
    Ada wangi" nya ga sis? Visit my blog yah ♥
    followback please :D

  4. Hi dear,
    Thank you for stopping by...
    Hm... wanginya sih gak terlalu strong cuma seger dan moist aja, soalnya kan buat muka dear jadi bahan fragrancenya gak banyak.. tapi pertama spray wangi dear...
    yes dear, aku udah follow... :)Thank you for following me...:)

    God Bless

  5. I've never heard of a face mist before. This sounds very interesting.

    <3 Melissa

    1. Hi Melissa...
      Thank you for stopping by...
      Yes you must try face mist, you can try also the other brand... It will give you instant hydration...
      God Bless

  6. Hey Elsza, you're sooo pretty! :) Belom pernah cobain face mist-nya TBS soalnya tiap pake skincare dari TBS ga pernah cocok. :( Anyway thanks udah follow blog aku ya.

    1. Hi fifi, my face is blushing :P Thank you dear tp msh cantik fifi ah. :) Kl skincare wajah TBS aku jg gak tertalu cocok tp kalo produk mrk yg lain I'm so in love terutama body butternya udah aku pakai dari kuliah... Iya fifi, aku memang suka baca blogmu, it's in my number one list hehehe

      God Bless
